SCHWEGLER wood-concrete is a unique, natural material combining
the advantages of wood, e.g. breathability, good insulation, prevents
condensation forming, readily accepted by animals, with the benefi ts of
concrete, which is long-lasting and can be easily shaped. It is impossible to
list all its properties, and neither wooden nesting aids, lightweight concrete
tubes, concrete, plastic boxes, natural stone or clay are as successful as
SCHWEGLER wood-concrete nesting boxes for encouraging breeding.
Moreover, because they are so long-lasting, they can be used in countless
building projects.
They are also constructed for convenience and to make them easy to
use. Whether they are built into the wall or mounted on the surface, our
products can be relied upon to be long-lasting and weather-resistant.
They have been successfully used all over the world for many decades.
We have over 65 years of experience with artifi cial nesting boxes made of
wood concrete and we make every effort to ensure that they are suitable
for the conditions experienced in everyday use. In collaboration with Bird
observatories, European nature conservation associations and authorities,
specialists and users we are constantly seeking new solutions. All our
products have been tested under practical conditions and are thoroughly
recommended by leading experts and associations. Due to our technical
skills, the availability of spares even over decades, and specially developed
solutions to meet particular requirements, as well as the fact that they are
readily adopted by animals, make our products a sustainable and reliable
The experts at SCHWEGLER are involved in many fascinating conservation
projects all over Europe. Within the last 50 years we have developed and
successfully delivered custom-made products for a wide variety of clients,
like cities, governments, universities, nature conservation organizations,
scientifi c projects and many others all over Europe. Use our unique
experience in designing and manufacturing nesting aids e.g. for outdoor use
or for integration in buildings and structures.
Please contact us and let us know your needs.
Nature Conservation Projects
VV Lesser Kestrel Nesting sites
VV Sand Martin projects
VV Kestrel Box for use on generators
VV Swift Boxes for brickwork
VV Boxes for Alpine Swift