Taking to the stage at the
Autism Show London
The story of Prior's Court
was told at one of the
autism sector's largest
Ahead of our 25th anniversary year
in 2024/25, Prior's Court was invited
to speak at the Autism Show
London on Friday, 14th June.
Our Founding Patron Dame
Stephanie Shirley provided a
pre-recorded speech as part of
our presentation, titled "Learning
together: How our understanding
of education for autistic children
with high support needs has
grown, and the decisions we all
now face".
Sue Piper, our Director of
Learning, and Ryan Campbell,
CEO, presented live after Dame
Stephanie's pre-record in the
Autism Matters Theatre at the
Dame Stephanie explored her
connection to her autism through
her late son Giles before Sue
explained the "now" of Prior's
Court - our autism approach, our
Learning Framework, our research
programme, and our Performing
Arts Centre. Ryan fi nished the
talk with a vision for the future of
Prior's Court and the autistic young
people with complex needs and
their families we support.
As well as presenting, Prior's Court
had a stall at the event where
show visitors were able to explore
how we use Virtual Reality as a
complementary tool to our existing
multi-disciplinary approach in
supporting autistic young people
with complex needs. IT Learning
Specialist Daniel Soler Lopez and
Learning Autism Practitioner
Harvey Beavan led the Virtual
Reality exploring sessions.
Quarterly Newsletter
August 2024