Bespoke Features 101
Step 1
Pick the one you love from our designs.
Cartwheel with border Star
KP107 background with KP36 inset RP61 background with RP02, RP32 and RP41 inset
Step 2 Step 3
We recommend you select the background of the You can select the size of your feature to fit
feature to be the same as your floor. Choose your perfectly into any shape of room. Our features
colours to coordinate with finishes in your room. come in a standard 36 inches size but can be
scaled up or down to suit. Talk to your nearest
retailer who can advise you on getting the right
size for your space.
Looking for
something unique?
If you’re looking for something that little bit
different, why not design your own bespoke
feature? Take a sketch of your idea to your
nearest retailer for help creating a totally
individual floor.
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find your nearest retailer at or call 1800 428 963 or call 0800 442 101