Micro-ID has combined the MicroChip Central database with its unique International Standard Mini-Chip to
offer a really fully compliant database service with added functionality for Vets, Vet Nurses and support staff:
Instant online registration and downloadable registration certificate
Fast and secure online dog transfer to new keeper, without the need to fill in forms
MicroChip Registration History - See a record of all Microchips implanted and a list of all unused
Free inward transfers of pets to welfare and re-homing organisations
Nick Brummit says "we are really excited to be working with one of the most respected people in the microchip
ID world, Richard Fry, who has been in this business for the past 27 years and has been responsible as one of
the founding members of several key organisations which ensure that standards in the industry have been
Everything we do makes it easier, faster and more likely that lost pets will be found and home before they enter
the local authority 'system'.
None of us lose our pets deliberately but if we do, often we need help to get them back. What we don't need is
a big 'fine' from the dog warden or our dog marched off to the council pound if we can be easily contacted by
phone and email without this happening." When a microchip number is searched at MicroChip Central, two
things happen: