JBA Consulting
Since March 2020 we have been undertaking the role of ECC Construction Supervisor and
Environmental Clerk of Works for the Environment Agency's Hythe and Lydd Coastal Defence Schemes.
These historic sites hold a number of environmental designations and as such it was critical that all work
took account of these protected habitats.
Lydd and Hythe Ranges Coastal Defence Schemes
Location: Lydd/Hythe Client: Environment Agency
Commencing in March 2020 the Hythe scheme involved the construction of timber groynes across a
1.6km length of coastline, the import of over 300,00m3 of new beach material and the construction of a
new rock revetment to protect the Grand Redoubt historic structure.
As part of the project our team also helped develop the design for a number of environmental
enhancement industry firsts. This included the creation of rock pools within the rock armour and the
creation of biodiversity enhancements on the timber groynes.
graham.kenn@jbaconsulting.com | www.jbaconsulting.com
The Hythe and Lydd Coastal Defence Schemes represent a major step in delivering the Folkstone to
Cliff End Strategy which when complete will protect over 14,500 homes, 700 businesses, hundreds of
hectares of prime farmland and a nuclear power station. In constructing a new rock revetment the
Hythe Range scheme also provided protection to the Dymchurch Grand Redoubt a scheduled
monument which was built during the Napoleonic War.
With work now complete in Hythe, the next phase of the project in Lydd will allow us to build on our
experience and apply the knowledge gained throughout the project. Similar to Hythe, the Lydd
scheme includes the installation of numerous timber groynes, significant volumes of beach recharge
and the placement of rock armour.
We will continue our role as scheme supervisors through to completion in 2023.