Interested in investing?
Why not consider joining Purley Investment Club?
During their working lives many people take an interest in the stock market - and a small minority will eventually
take this matter further by buying some shares to build their own portfolio. Though, many will feel constrained from
taking this step, as they feel that they do not have the confidence, knowledge or funds to successfully make this
However, there is another way forward for the potential first time investor - and that is to join an investment club.
Clubs such as Purley Investment Club, one of the longest-established of its type in the UK, have been a popular
way for those with limited knowledge and/or resources to have a financial stake in the stock market.
Established over 50 years ago Purley Investment Club is now looking for new members.
This friendly club provides a very social, democratic and fun way of investing. Through monthly evening meetings
in members' homes, an annual dinner and the occasional trip to visit potential investment opportunities, this Club
enables members to invest collectively in the stock market.
The key to Purley Investment Club's success has been - and will continue to be - the extensive collective working
experience of its members in industry, vehicles, engineering, banking, insurance, medicine, the law, accountancy
and the like. This wide-ranging experience provides a unique depth of knowledge to allow sensible investment
choices to be made.
New Purley Investment Club members do not have to "buy" their way in. No large up-front charges or joining fees
are required - just a regular monthly subscription of between £50 and £250.
In addition, within three years of joining the Club a new member can further invest additional lump sum(s) of up to
£10,000, providing this does not take the member's holding above 10% of the Club's assets.
To join Purley Investment Club prospective members are invited to attend three meetings as a guest.
At a subsequent meeting, for which notice has been given, approval of membership is by two thirds majority vote
of those present and the prospective member will be formally invited to join the Club as/when there is a vacancy.
To learn more about Purley Investment Club please visit our website:-
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