It has been a while since
I have written about the
昀nancial markets so I
thought this month it would
be good to provide a brief
overview of recent events.
Last year, 2023 was a better
year for investors with both
昀xed interest and equities
bouncing back after one of
the toughest years in 2022.
We saw in昀ation starting to
come down, although it was
still above its targets, with
central banks still using
interest rates to try to bring
in昀ation back down1.
However, in the early part of
2023 we saw con昀dence being
shaken yet again by the failure
of Silicon Valley Bank and
several others, however the
crisis was relatively contained
and the Equities market began
gradually edging up2. We then
saw a lot of hype following
the launch of AI's Chat GPT
4 model. This was evident in
the strong price increase of
Monetary Solutions Limited
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Website: www.monsols.co.uk
the largest technology
companies, Meta,
Apple, Amazon,
Alphabet, Tesla,
Microsoft, and
perhaps the biggest AI
bene昀ciary of all, NVIDIA.
This group drove markets
upwards in 2023 and they were
named the 'Magni昀cent Seven3.
However, it was not all good
news, as although Cash was
another sector to gain in 2023
due to the interest rate rises,
it also meant that the property
sector suffered, and we saw the
market fall in China.
In 2024 we have seen the rise
in the US and UK equity markets
continue. Although the Japanese
equity market had a blip in the
summer, the Nikkei is up from
the start of the year, and I think
it is fair to say that the Gilt sector
has had a better performance
in the last 12 months.
I have written previously about
the importance of having a
At Monetary Solutions Ltd, you can
book a free initial consultation about
any 昀nancial matters, so please call
us on 020 8760 9940.
The information in this article is for
information only and must not be
considered as 昀nancial advice. We
always recommend that you seek
making any 昀nancial decisions.
020 8760 9940
This is an advert
by Vivian Slattery of Monetary Solutions Ltd
Finanical markets
diverse portfolio as I
feel it's hard to predict
the winners and
losers for each year.
I also think that it is
important to measure
a fund's performance by
comparing it against others
in the same sector, comparing
like with like. If you do hold
investments and want to discuss
them why not pick up the phone
today and book a free without
obligation consultation.
*Please note that past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results
2FTSE 100, closed 6th Jan 2info@purleypages.co.ukApr 23 7871.91
3Mellon, Feb 2024
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