For many years, the Naional Shrine of Saint Jude has
promoted the Carmelite devoion to the souls of the
departed by establishing a Dead List that is renewed
each year. People simply send in their lists of dead
relaives and friends to be included in our prayers for
the Holy Souls.
All those on your list will become members of the
Carmelite Holy Souls Society for the year.
Membership includes:
1. A daily Mass for deceased relaives and friends
through the year (except the three days of Holy Week);
2. A Mass each month for deceased members and
3. A share in the Masses, prayers and good works of
the whole Carmelite Order.
There is no fixed membership fee, or annual
subscripion. Please simply donate what you would like
to become a member.
Please write the names of your loved ones on the next
two pages, and send them to the Shrine ofice as soon
as possible.