One of our core business targets is to help
our clients grow. To achieve this our sales
team has to grow and innovate. Are you
ready to go on this journey with us?
ABC Invest's Sales Passport course has won
industry-wide plaudits for its unique take on
boosting revenue and volume.
All new starters in the sales department are
automatically enrolled on to a Passport
induction day, with further training
provided on a monthly basis. Training
modules are interactive and include a strong
practical element.
We believe that everyone benefits from
regular sales training and expect even our
top-grossing team members to participate
in the Passport programme.
the tactical sales passport course
sales skills
I feel that I'm not a
strong salesperson
and would benefit
from this course >
I feel that I'm a fair
salesperson but
would still benefit
from this course >
I feel that I'm an
excellent salesperson
and do not need any
more training >