“ I’d recommend
Knight Frank
to my friends. “
in fact, i’ve
already done so.
Mary-Lu Bakker
Mary-Lu, a Notting Hill resident, tells us why Knight Frank has been really helpful to us.
she chose Knight Frank to sell her home. When I wavered, the Knight Frank team were
very reassuring. I think it’s been a supportive
“We were recommended two property process. It’s a very life-changing thing selling
companies. When I met with the agent from your house, doing a large transaction like this
Knight Frank, they spoke so positively about you need someone with a lot of confidence
the house. That’s why I decided to instruct and calmness behind you. A solid platform
Knight Frank, because they recognised it’s not to work from, because you’re moving into
just a house; it’s a home. It means a lot to us. turbulent waters. I felt quite calm, actually, in
the end. I’m very happy that it’s all done.
Knight Frank also sell a lot of houses in this
To hear more from Mary-Lu about area, especially on the communal gardens. So I’d recommend Knight Frank to my friends.
Why Knight Frank visit KnightFrank.co.uk/ I thought that would be a really positive thing. In fact, I’ve already done so because I think
Knight Frank gives you, not only the domestic
Plus, there are a lot of international people market, but also a huge international market.”
coming from overseas to buy in the area.
I wanted to make sure I had that catchment
as well.
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