While the chances of a fire may seem slim, it
is absolutely vital that every member of staff
understands our fire safety policy.
Every floor of our London and New York
offices has two fire marshalls - your
department notice board has information
on who these staff members are.
Fire extinguishers are located in every
kitchen and dining pod, with clear
instructions on use. But remember, if a fire
does break out, the key thing is to evacuate
the building, not tackle the blaze.
Fire drills are carried out on a random day
each month. All staff have a responsibility to
treat these seriously.
a quick guide to
fire checklist
Make sure you know
where your nearest
fire exit is located >
Make sure you know
where the fire
extinguishers are
located in your
workspace >
Make sure you know
where the fire
blankets are located
in your workspace >