7.2 By area of activity
Art, leisure and nature
Charities operating in art, leisure and nature
set a relative high number of aims annually,
averaging roughly seven each year.
There is a lower-level of omissions in reported
aims comparatively within this area of activity
and a relatively high number of aims are
reported as achieved.
Education and training
Charities involved in education and training set
between five to six aims per year, on average.
The majority of these are measurable, but
many are not fully reported.
Over half of the aims defined in within
this activity area have been omitted from
subsequent reporting. This unfortunate result
may be connected to under-reported progress
of internal aims.
General purpose
Charities operating in general charitable purposes
set a relatively higher number of aims than those
operating in other, specific segments.
Nearly a fifth of all aims for this activity group are
Three quarters of objectives set in the segment
were deemed to be measurable, with less than a
quarter omitted in subsequent reporting.
Housing and financial support
Charities providing housing and other financial
support services set an average of six aims
per year.
Every charity in this segment examined set at
least one internal aim in each year.
Over 80 per cent of aims were measurable,
though over 30 per cent were not reported in
subsequent years.
Medical, health and sickness
Charities operating in the area of medical,
health and sickness had fewer, but more
measurable aims each year than their peers in
other activity areas.
Averaging five aims per year, these charities
had the lowest rate of omissions of all activity
areas, at roughly one in ten being left behind
over the course of the assessment.
The percentage of high-level aims is much
higher than in other areas.