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Improving and Safeguarding Social Wellbeing : A Strategy for Social Work
2012-2022 Strategic Priority 3 adding value, delivering outcomes places a
focus on continuous improvement and a focus on demonstrating outcomes
and learning from practice.
The Social Work Research and Continuous Improvement Strategy
Priority 4 placed importance on recognising, valuing and maintaining the
skill base of those social work practitioners who have already acquired
academic credit for research.
Priority 6 is to ensure the experience and knowledge of social workers,
service users and carers are used in research evaluation and audit.
Strategic Priority 7 is to ensure that research related activity promotes the
principles and practice of personal and public involvement, equality and
human rights. The Research Methods Programme utilises these skills
through the provision of mentoring, supervision and the provision of
teaching inputs on recognised courses for the benefit of other practitioners,
service users and carers wishing to engage in research activity.
The Strategy is available at http://www.hscboard.hscni.net/swresearch/
The module supports the vision of the: Improving and Safeguarding Social
Wellbeing: A Strategy for Social Work in NI 2010 - 2022) available at