Dyadic Psychoeducational Interventions for people with Advanced cancer and
their Informal Caregivers (DIAdIC) is a transdisciplinary, cross-national research
project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation
The DIAdIC project developed and evaluated two different psychoeducational
interventions for the person with cancer and the family caregiver together (i.e. the
dyad). The two interventions are:
• FOCUS+, a face-to-face intervention provided in the patient-caregiver dyad's
home by a specially trained healthcare professional
• iFOCUS, a self-administered eHealth tool for patient-caregiver dyads
The DIAdIC project is now entering its final phase. Over the next few months, we will
continue to analyse the study results, write scientific papers and disseminate our
findings and results.
As part of the dissemination process we have developed virtual platforms. These
provide an overview of the DIAdIC materials, videos, access to the programme or
programme materials and links to locally relevant resources. Each platform is available
in the language of one of the DIAdIC partners.
The following platforms are currently live and future activities are planned accordingly:
• Belgium: https://www.samenomgaanmetkanker.be/
• Denmark: https://www.voreskraeft.dk/
• Italy: www.insiemeadiadic.it
• The Netherlands: https://www.kankerhebjesamen.nl/
• The United Kingdom: https://www.copingwithcancertogether.co.uk/
• Ireland: http://copingwithcancertogether.ie/
Welcome to the DIAdIC Newsletter
Summer 2024
DIAdIC - the final phase