JBA Consulting
The availability of reliable and accurate post-disaster damage and loss information is critical to disaster
risk management (DRM) and effective disaster risk reduction (DRR). Collecting and processing this data
after disasters is fundamental to DRM including emergency management, relief, reconstruction planning
and the development of DRR measures.
In 2018 there was no standardised, easy-to-use methodology to assess damages and losses in
operation across the different Ministries and Agencies of the Government of Belarus. To address this, a
draft 'Methodology for Assessment of Economic Losses from Natural and Technogenic Emergency
Situations' was developed.
A technical assistance project to support the World Bank in the Republic of Belarus in enhancing the
national post-disaster damage and loss assessment methodology, and to design a related IT system for
collection, aggregation and reporting of loss data.
Enhancing post-disaster damage and loss assessment system in Belarus
Location: Republic of Belarus
Client: World Bank
Partner: CIMA Foundation; Belarus State Economics University; JB Chatterton and Associates
We supported the Republic of Belarus in
expanding the set of damage and loss
indicators, and in establishing methodologies
for calculating losses following natural disaster
events. These recommendations were based
on a review of international damage and loss
assessment methodologies as well as detailed
user needs assessments undertaken with three
core sectors: Housing and Utilities; Agriculture;
and Forestry.