TO ADVERTISE EMAIL: info@purleypages.co.uk
Heatherwood Nursing Home is a delightfully
elegant detached care setting for 22
residents. We pride ourselves on being a
family run home staffed by English speaking
people who live locally.
We meet the needs of many different client
groups,including older people,people with physical
disabilities,people with learning disabilities and the
terminally ill.
Heatherwood is situated in peaceful,residential
surrounds full of charm and character bordering the
Webb Estate in Purley - but still close to all local
amenities and transport links.
We pride ourselves on offering specialist nursing care by
professionally trained,qualified nurses 24 hours a
day,while at the same time ensuring that our residents
are given choices about,and involvement in the way their
care is delivered.Our care ethos is encapsulated in our
mission statement which you can view in full on our
website and part of which reads as follows:
""Ouurr aiimm too ggiivvee eevveerryy rreessiiddeenntt tthhee ffrreeeeddoomm ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee
ttheeiir ddaaiillyy lliiffee wwiitthh ddiiggnniittyy,, pprriivvaaccyy aanndd tthhee wwiiddeesstt
ppoossssiibbllee cchhooiiccee.. OOuurr pphhiilloossoopphhyy ooff ccaarree iiss ttoo rreessppeecctt oouurr
rressiideennttss aass iinnddiivviidduuaallss iinn aallll aassppeeccttss ooff tthheeiirr lliiffee iinn aann
eennvviirroonnmmeenntt wwhheerree tthheeyy ccaann rreefflleecctt oonn tthhee ppaasstt aanndd
cconffiiddeennttllyy looookk ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo tthhee ffuuttuurree..""
47 FOXLEY LANE, WEST PURLEY, SURREY CR8 3EH ■ Tel: 020 8660 6646 ■ Fax: 020 8660 6646 ■ Email: info@heatherwood.org
Heatherwood Nursing Home
Heatherwood is beautifully furnished and decorated with
single and double bedrooms and other facilities include:
■ Established Nursing Home
■ Excellent CSCI inspection report
■ A warm and friendly atmosphere
■ Delicious home cooked food
■ In delightful West Purley bordering the
Webb Estate
■ Close to local amenities
■ Comfortable lounges and conservatory
■ Dedicated GP who visits every week
■ Dedicated Hairdresser, Chiropodist,
Dentist & Optician
■ Respite Care
Please call the Matron for a copy of our brochure or to
arrange a visit or why not visit our website at:
"Our aim is to give every resident the
freedom to continue their daily life
with dignity, privacy and the widest
possible choice. Our philosophy of
care is to respect our residents as
individuals in all aspects of their life
in an environment where they can
reflect on the past and confidently
look forward to the future."
Heatherwood is beautifully furnished and decorated
with single and double bedrooms and other
facilities which include
Please call the Manager for a copy of our
brochure or to arrange a visit, or why not
visit our website at:
Established Nursing Home
Excellent CQC inspection report
A warm and friendly atmosphere
Delicious home cooked food
In delightful West Purley bordering the
Webb Estate
Close to local amenities
Comfortable lounges and conservatory
Dedicated GP who visits every week
info@heatherwood.orger, Chiropodist
Dentist & Optician
Respite Care
Dementia Care
47 FOXLEY LANE, WEST PURLEY, CR8 3EH Tel & Fax 020 8660 6646 Email: info@heatherwood.org
Heatherwood Nursing Home is a delightfully
elegant detached care setting for 22
residents. We pride ourselves on being a
family run home staffed by people who
live locally
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Heatherwood Brand Guidelines
full main logo with strapline
single colour logo
single colour background logo
single colour horizontal logo
horizontal logo no strapline
horizontal logo strapline
Clockwise from top
logo: Cinzel Regular
web address: Lato Regular
contact details: Lato family
CMYK: C=68 M=16 Y=97 K=2
RGB: R: 95 G: 156 B: 56
CMYK: C=13 M=64 Y=88 K=2
RGB: R: 215 G: 113 B: 46
CMYK: C=55 M=89 Y=22 K=9
RGB: R 132 G:53 B:113
Main Colours
nursing home
Care Centre
Heatherwood Care Centre is a delightfully
elegant detached care setting for 25
We pride ourselves on being a family run
home sta����ffed by people who live locally
Established Care Centre
Heatherwood Care Centre
Residential - Dementia - EMI
Heatherwood is beautifully furnished and
decorated along with the facilities which
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