As advisers we have noticed
that more and more of our
clients are interested in
sustainable funds, which
is now a worldwide trend.
Investing in sustainability
is on the rise with Morgan
Stanley*1 claiming that more
than three quarters (77%)
of investors globally are
interested in investing in
companies or funds that
aim to achieve market rate
昀nancial returns, while also
considering positive social
and environmental impact.
At the same time, 200 昀nancial
advisers were surveyed in
relation to this and only 1% of
advisers "completely trusted"
sustainability claims, when they
were asked to rate their trust
in funds using a scale between
1 and 5 (with 1 being: did not
trust and 5 being: completely
trusted).*2 I think this speaks
volumes when even 昀nancial
professionals do not completely
trust marketing claims.
However, a whole package
of measures are now being
Monetary Solutions Limited
Airport House,
Purley Way, Croydon
Surrey, CR0 0XZ
Tel No: 020 8760 9940
Fax No: 0870 460 1737
Website: www.monsols.co.uk
introduced to try and
improve trust in this
area, including:
● Anti Greenwashing
rules: Where all FCA
authorised 昀rms are
required to reinforce
that sustainability
related claims must be
fair, clear and not in any
way misleading.
● Four labels: Where the product
must have one of four speci昀c
sustainability objectives as part of
its investment objective.
● Naming and marketing rules for
investment products to ensure
the use of sustainability terms are
I think the four labels will make
the fund goals more transparent
and build trust in the sector.
These labels are as follows:
1. Sustainability Impact:
Invests mainly in solutions to
sustainability problems with an
aim to achieve a positive impact
for people or the planet.
2. Sustainability Improvers:
Invests mainly in assets that may
not be sustainable now, with an
aim to improve their sustainability.
At Monetary Solutions Ltd, you can
book a free initial consultation about
any 昀nancial matters, so please call
us on 020 8760 9940.
The information in this article is for
information only and must not be
considered as 昀nancial advice. We
always recommend that you seek
making any 昀nancial decisions.
020 8760 9940
This is an advert
by Vivian Slattery of Monetary Solutions Ltd
Sustainable investment
3. Sustainability Focus: Invests
mainly in assets that focus on
sustainability for people or the
4. Sustainability Mixed
Goals: Invests mainly in
a mix of assets that either
focus on sustainability, aim
to improve their
over time, or
aim to achieve a positive
impact for people or the
So if you are interested in
investing in sustainable funds
and want help to understand this
sector further, why not pick up
the phone today and book a free
without obligation consultation.
*1 Morgan Sinfo@purleypages.co.uk/p>
*2 PA adviser, 1st November 2022
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