SuDS ROUTE MAPS - Surface Water Management Measures
AAP Area Action Plan
BGS British Geological Survey
BRE Building Research Establishment
BREEAM Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method
CAR Controlled Activity Regulations
CDM Regulations Construction (Design & Management) Regulations
CIL Community Infrastructure Levy
CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association
CIWEM Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
DEFRA Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
DMRB Design Manual for Roads and Bridges
DTM Digital Terrain Model
EA Environment Agency
FCERM - AG/GiA Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management - Appraisal Guidance /
Grant in Aid
FD2320 Flood Risk Assessment Guidance for New Development
FEH Flood Estimation Handbook
FRA Flood Risk Assessment
GWSPZ Groundwater Source Protection Zone
IDB Internal Drainage Board
ICE The Institution of Civil Engineers
LASOO Local Authority SuDS Officer Organisation
LLFA Lead Local Flood Authority
LPA Local Planning Authority
NIEA Northern Ireland Environment Agency
NPPF National Planning Policy Framework
NRW Natural Resources Wales
PPG Planning Practice Guidance
RDS Regional Development Strategy
RefH2 The Revitalised Flood Hydrograph Model
SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
SFRA Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
SPD Supplementary Planning Document
SPP Scottish Planning and Policy 7 (Planning and Flooding)
SPPS Strategic Planning Policy Statement
SuDS Sustainable Drainage Systems
SWMP Surface Water Management Plan
TAN15 Technical Advice Note 15 (Development and Flood Risk)
WaSC Water and Sewerage Company
WFD Water Framework Directive
Abbreviation Glossary Abbreviation Glossary
ICE would like to thank the following for their active involvement and
contributions in the task group: Andrew Eden (Environment Agency); Kay
Elvy (Bingham Hall Partnership); Catherine Kemsley (AECOM); Phill Mills
(Policy Consulting Network; ICE Water Panel Chair 2014-2017); Pritesh Patel
(Wienerberger UK); Paul Shaffer (CIRIA); Dr David Smoker (ACO Technologies plc);
Dr Virginia Stovin (The University of Sheffield); Ian Titherington (City of Cardiff
ICE would also like to thank the 19 professionals who provided detailed feedback
and comments on the draft booklet, and the contribution from ICE's Engineer in
Residence, Professor Ian Guymer (previously The University of Warwick, now The
University of Sheffield).
While every effort has been made to ensure that the statements made and the
opinions expressed in this publication provide a safe and accurate guide, no
liability or responsibility can be accepted in this respect by the author
or publishers.
Cover photos courtesy of the following:
(From left to right) image 1 highway retrofit in London Borogh of Hammersmith and Fullham,
copyright CIRIA,; image 2 Upper Hayford housing, copyright ACO
Technologies plc,; image 3 Grey to Green Project, copyright Sheffield
City Council, project funded by Sheffield City Council, Sheffield City Region, European Regional
Development Fund,