Part 1: Read aloud
Speaking skill 1 Pronouncing words with similar vowel sounds
Some vowels have similar sounds, e.g.
live and leave
A Listen to the recording and pay attention to the underlined vowels.
Then repeat after it.
1 2 3
a e a-e i ea short 'oo' long 'oo'
apple egg game bin bean foot food
B Listen to the recording and repeat after it.
ants, exercises, James skip, leaf woods, cool
C Read the following text aloud. Then listen to the demonstration.
A Saturday in autumn
James and I take a walk in the woods.
We see some ants.
They are walking on a leaf.
The weather is cool.
We run and skip.
The exercises make us warm.
The words 'take' and 'make'
have the same vowel sound
as 'James'.