Listening skill
Listening skill 2
Answering 'NOT true' questions ፯�ʔ͍ᆽ�፯ධ
When listening to the recording, we can put a tick next to the
correct sentences. The one without a tick is the answer.
Example (Listening 2, Practice point, Question 2)
Mary: ... Did your parents enjoy the trip?
Jim: Yes. They loved visiting the traditional temples. Maybe your parents
will enjoy them too.
Mary: My dad thinks history is boring. He wants to attend a Japanese
pop concert and support his favourite singer!
Jim: Wow! He thinks like a young person!
2 Which of the following is NOT true about Mary's father?
A He is not interested in traditional temples.
B He is young.
C He likes pop music.
D His favourite singer is Japanese.
1 Listen carefully to the recording and put a tick next to the
correct sentences.
• Jim's parents loved visiting the traditional temples. He thinks
Mary's parents may enjoy them too. However, Mary's dad
thinks history is boring. That means he is not interested in
traditional temples (A).
• Mary's dad wants to attend a Japanese pop concert. This
means he likes pop music (C).
• He attends the Japanese concert to support his favourite
singer, so we know that his favourite singer is Japanese (D).
2 Therefore, option B is the answer. (Answer: B)