Useful structures
and expressions
1 Tense
We use the simple present tense to write
a book report.
e.g. This book is a horror story.
I feel unhappy about the ending.
2 Use connectives such as 'before' and 'after'
to describe the story.
Ы̙˸͜ஹટ൚�ν 'before' ձ 'after' Ը
e.g. Before Tim travels to the Unknown
Land, he does not know what he
can find there.
3 Use 'I think …' and 'In my opinion …' to
talk about what you think of the story
and/or the character(s).
Ы̙˸͜ 'I think …' ձ 'In my opinion …'
e.g. I think the story is romantic.
In my opinion, Sue is brave but