Non-binary is an umbrella term used to refer to gender
identity that is beyond the traditional binary genders of
male and female.
Yellow represents those whose gender exists outside of
and without reference to
the binary as yellow is often used to distinguish something
as its own. White represents those who have many or all genders. The purple stripe
represents those who feel their gender is between or a mix of female and male and could
be seen as representing the fluidity and uniqueness of non-binary people. The black stripe
represents those who feel they are without gender.
Agender is used to mean having no gender identity
(genderless) or having a gender identity, which isn't
female or male, but neutral.
The black and white stripes represent an absence of
gender, grey represents being semi genderless, while the
green stripe represents non-binary genders.
"lntersex" is a term for people who are born with mixed
primary or secondary sex characteristics, making them
both female and male. This shows up in approximately 1%
of the population, though many recognised forms of it are
subtle enough to go undetected for an entire lifetime.
The colors yellow and purple were chosen because they're
seen as fairly gender neutral. The circle symbolises wholeness or completeness.