The term 'cis' or 'cisgender' is used to describe an individual
who identifies with the societal gender they were assigned to at
Cis-normative is defined as the societal belief that there are two
genders; male and female assigned at birth, and that cisgender
identities are superior to trans* identities and non-gendered
Hetero-normativity is the belief that heterosexuality is the
preferred or normal mode of sexual orientation. It assumes the
gender binary (i.e., that there are only two distinct, opposite
genders) and that sexual and marital relations are most fitting
between people of opposite sex.
This term refers to the concept of interconnected areas of
diversity, reminding us of how they overlap and combine, and
the idea that social justice doesn't exist in a vacuum. There
are many diversity lenses and individuals may have experiences
across more than one of these.
The '+' at the end of an LGBT+ acronym is used as a way of
acknowledging that there are many terms to describe the
experiences of people, but not all of them are specified in the
LGBT initialism.