LGBTQ+ History Month is an annual monthlong observance
of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender history, and the history of the gay
rights and related civil rights movements. It
was founded in 1994 by Missouri high-school
history teacher Rodney Wilson as he believed a
month should be dedicated to the celebration
and teaching of gay and lesbian history.
LGBTQ+ History Month provides role models,
builds community, and represents a civil rights
statement about the contributions of the
LGBTQ+ community.
In the United States, Canada, and Australia,
it is celebrated in October to coincide with
National Coming Out Day on October 11th and
to commemorate the first and second marches
on Washington in 1979 and 1987 for LGBTQ+
rights. In Hungary and the United Kingdom,
it is observed during February; in the UK this
coincides with a major celebration of the 2003
abolition of Section 28. In Berlin, it is known as
Queer History Month and is celebrated in June.
After the Second World War, The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights was adopted
by the United Nations General Assembly.
The Declaration represents the first global
expression of rights to which all human beings
are inherently entitled. It is essentially an
acknowledgment that we should remember
and understand the value of each human
being, regardless of their nationality, color,
race, sex, gender, country of origin, language,
or otherwise.
As the world becomes more connected and
globalized, it's important to remember that a
"global monoculture," or a homogenization of
cultures, kills off traditional cultures and unique
traits of people. Embracing cultural diversity,
in all aspects of life, is the answer to avoiding
a global monoculture. The phrase "cultural
diversity" can also refer to different cultures
respecting each other's differences.
Although its origins are difficult to trace,
Global Diversity Awareness Month represents
the perfect opportunity to learn more about
new cultures and explore some of the diversity
that makes the world such a wonderful place.