To receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Re琀rement Planning or
Inheritance Tax planning, contact Sheba Osman at Osman Wealth Management Ltd on
07969 755658
07969 755658 / 01959 561606
01959 561606 or email sheba.osman@sjpp.co.uk
Assets and Property Protec琀on from care home fees
Assets and Property Protec琀on from care home fees
Savings and investments
Savings and investments
Inheritance Tax Planning
Inheritance Tax Planning Las琀ng power of A琀orney
Las琀ng power of A琀orney
Pensions and
Pensions and
Re琀rement Planning
Re琀rement Planning
Trusts, Probate
Trusts, Probate
& Funeral Plans
& Funeral Plans
If you need care the Council can sell your home and use savings to pay for it, even though you have paid tax
all your life. The cost of care is now on average £1,500 per week in some areas. Many of our clients want to
protect what they have built up for themselves and their families.
The good news is that there are legi琀mate ways to protect your hard earned savings and your family home
from being taken by the Council. We can advise on how you can protect your assets but it is be琀er to act
sooner rather than later.
Feel free to enquire if you qualify.
Most clients want to know their investments are 昀rst of all protected
and secondly working well for them.
Our experience in this area will ensure that you get exactly what
you are looking for, whether this is to protect your investments from
care home means tes琀ng or choosing
Investments with unlimited FSCS
protec琀on (Banks limited to £85,000).
Some clients want investments that
are guaranteed not to go down, others
are looking for structured por琀olios for
growth or income. You may just want a
review to see if we can consolidate or
improve your exis琀ng arrangements.
To complete a full 昀nancial and estate
planning service we o昀er help and
guidance in these other areas of
your planning. Some people say it
is '琀dying up all the loose ends' or
ge�ng their a昀airs in order'. Proper
planning In advance can mean less
hassle for you and your loved ones
and ul琀mately can save on tax as well
as probate fees if planned ahead.
Why pay 40% tax on your hard earned
money and home when this can be avoided?
Inheritance Tax is now more complicated
than it has ever been.
We have helped many of our clients save
thousands of pounds in inheritance tax as
well as improving their 昀nancial posi琀on at
the same 琀me.
If you have concerns about Inheritance Tax
or just want to double check, we can help you to plan in the right way
that will bene昀t you and your family.
It is never too late to look at ways of saving this onerous tax.
If you are approaching re琀rement or
indeed already re琀red, then our services
could be of value to you.
Making the right choice at re琀rement can
some琀mes be very di�cult. We can guide
you through your op琀ons and advise you
on the best course of ac琀on to meet your
individual needs.
You may want to take a full tax free lump
sum or just secure the right level of future
Either way we can explain the best op琀ons for you.
Almost 1 in 4 Wills that
we have seen are wri琀en
incorrectly. If you have a Will
then this should really be
reviewed regularly. We o昀er
a Will review service to make
sure that it properly meets
your needs.
Only by making the right no obliga琀on Will can you be absolutely
certain that your a昀airs will be dealt with as you would wish.
If you have made a Will then you should also set up Las琀ng Powers of
A琀orney. This is the legal right for your spouse and or children to act for
you if you lose capacity to make a decision. It may never happen but it is
best to put this in place whilst we can.
For example, have you ever tried to talk to the bank or u琀lity company if
the account is in the name of your spouse? That's why it is important to
have Power of A琀orney set up. Give your family control of your health
and 昀nancial a昀airs, not social services.
We have arranged over 100 Powers
of A琀orney for our clients and we
can come to you to explain how it all
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