Lake Tarawera
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New ZealaNd modules
•travel less • see more•
An alternative to touring, Discover the World’s new modules offer a
more relaxed, in-depth way to experience New Zealand’s highlights
There is nowhere better the luxury of spending get an idea of what each
than New Zealand to several nights in one place. module offers.
hit the road with a ‘Travel less, see more’ These quintessential
motorhome or join an is the concept behind five-night itineraries
escorted coach tour. Discover the World’s new can be bolted together
Discover the World modules approach to and have been carefully
continues to offer both. exploring New Zealand. designed to showcase
There’s a lot to be said, The box, opposite, shows the very best visitor
however, for a ‘go-slow’ how they work, while experiences in each area.
approach, restricting the map highlights the A choice of three types
yourself to one or modules in North Island of accommodation feature
two carefully selected (we’ll be featuring South in each itinerary, as well
locations and taking the Island’s modules in the as a range of new and
time to really get to know next issue of Cloud 9). existing excursions and
their individual characters Click or tap the red recommended walks.
– not to mention enjoying circles on the map to
16 Talk to the experts ✆ 01737 218 812