Q it
If you wondered where our summer
went, the answer is Iceland! They
had the best weather on record
tell me about
Will Gray chats to Clive Stacey, Discover the
World’s MD, about travel and the weather
Q Did the northern
lights live up to all Q Alaska sounds fun.
Tell me more.
the media hype?
A Yes, absolutely
and some of the
A Icelandair are flying
there, via Reykjavik,
twice a week from mid-
experts are saying that it May to mid-September,
reader poll
will continue to increase providing us with easy
in intensity right through access to one of the
next winter and beyond! world’s most spectacular What’s on your travel
places. We’ve developed wishlist for 2013?
Q What’s on your
travel wishlist?
a brand new range of
Alaska holidays which you
Click below to vote
A It’s going to be a
very busy year. In
can find out about here. ALASKA
January and February I
will be visiting Argentina,
Chile and Antarctica
Q If we get another
summer like last
year, where would you go
looking for new ideas. to escape wet Britain?
Then it’s off to Iceland
for our WhaleFest. In
March I’ll be in Lapland
A If you wondered
where our summer
went, the answer is
for a couple of weeks. Iceland! They had the best NEW ZEALAND
May will see me in Alaska weather on record. Some
on Icelandair’s inaugural scientists believe the jet
flight to Anchorage, which stream, which can bring SCANDINAVIA
is the basis of our new us warm, sunny summers,
Alaska programme. has moved north…
DISCOVER THE WORLD | Cloud 9 | Jan 2013 8 discover-cloud9.co.uk 3