here to see more
fabulous ideas for
your Canadian
Snuggled deep in Cast away any Newfoundland is a Canada’s ultimate
the wilderness of fears: sea kayaks fascinating blend winter-wilderness
BC’s Great Bear are suprisingly of crinkle-cut playground, the
Rainforest you’ll stable and easy to coastline, enticing Yukon outpost of
find a floating paddle – and there national parks Whitehorse is just
lodge with just is no better way to and rich maritime the place to heed
five guestrooms admire the scenery history. Add a few your ‘call of the
and where your and wildlife of surprises, like the wild’. Dog sledging
only neighbours Canada’s coast Viking settlement headlines Discover
are grizzly bears, than by nosing of L’Anse aux the World’s five-
wolves, otters and about in sheltered Meadows and the day Yukon Winter
eagles. Great Bear inlets and bays. vibrant waterfront Dream holiday, but
Lodge is a nature- One of the best city of St John’s, you also get to go
lover’s dream, places to get and you have the snowmobiling and
made all the more afloat is Tofino on perfect setting aurora hunting,
special by its subtle the west coast of for a nine-day as well as taking a
link to the outside Vancouver Island expedition voyage spectacular scenic
world by floatplane where giant cedars encircling the flight over one
from Port Hardy on and First Nations island during the of Canada’s most
Vancouver Island. culture stand proud. golden days of fall. enigmatic regions.
DISCOVER THE WORLD | Cloud 9 | Jan 2013 8 19