Key Element
Induction checklist
Introduction to the role and Experian
Recommended Actions
Schedule time to go through your new joiner's
Identify and schedule job specific training and
Introduce your new joiner to the team
Set up meetings with relevant internal and exte
Help your new joiner understand how their role
Schedule time for them to access the resource
Identify activities and collateral your new joiner
purpose and business strategy
Encourage your new joiner to create connectio
Setting measurable objectives
Working environment
New line managers
You can also print off our induct
Schedule weekly 1-2-1s to review your new joi
Discuss performance expectations for the role
Agree short-term objectives
Schedule a review meeting before end of proba
Once settled in, review performance in line with
Organise a tour of the building and facilities
Cover the what, why and how for Oracle, Zoom
Discuss practicalities around working hours, h
Set time aside to get them logged into all their
If your new joiner is a line manager, review the
and get them to register for the new manager l
Policies and procedures Familiarise your new joiner with our policies, w