Change comes in waves. The waves are getting faster
and faster now, bigger and bigger. Have you ever been
hit by a big wave? It can really hurt. Most people don't
like change. They try to 'get through it', bear the brunt
of the wave and try to get back to normal. There is no
normal anymore.
With the speeding up of the waves comes a choice…
do we suffer each one to hit us and eventually
succumb or do we learn to ride the wave and become
Change Surfers? Suffer or Surf?
That is the choice facing every sizeable organisation on
the planet today. Nobody trains us to work with change
and yet we know it's inevitable.
This book takes the lessons from designing awardwinning change programmes
for over 20 years and
gives them back in an easy to action guide-book. The
principles and techniques in these pages are the
unconventional strategies that lead to real, tangible,
measurable change. The kind of change that helps
helps companies, individuals and organisations thrive,
improves people's lives and leaves a legacy of wellbeing.
Do you have to give up up everything to engage in your
adventures or can you integrate them with family, job,
mortgage - the works? What if, what you learned on
these adventures renders the rest of life
adventuresome? What if we could learn lessons riding
across the great landscapes of the world, tackling hills
and headwinds and apply those lessons in the
challenges, hills and headwinds of our lives? What if
our posture, breathing, appreciation of the moment and
a myriad of other lessons come to a point of lucidity in
the saddle which illuminate the forgotten, routine-filled
places of the psyche?
Adventure cycling is a metaphor for living. It is a rolling
meditation into the sense of adventure we sought and
craved growing up but felt we grew out of. We may
have lost the habit but the flavour is still on the tip of
the tongue. Rides of Passage tickles those familiar
taste-buds. With it we cultivate the same keen inner
wisdom and insight which may take us half a lifetime of
navel gazing to procure and it does so with humour,
depth and the occasional flash of lycra.
Life is not a rehearsal, it's a ride.
If you go through life without knowing and living
your Purpose, you have missed the point. Don't
miss the point, answer the 7 questions.
Does it take a lifetime sitting on a Tibetan mountain
top and contemplating the nature of the universe to
find your Purpose in life? How could it? Your
Purpose is in you. It always has been.
All you need, therefore is a search engine which
takes you beyond your education, parenting, and
societal projections into the real, authentic you.
The opposite of Purposeful is purposeless. It's your
life - which one would you rather experience?
This book helps you find and live your most
compelling relationship to life, and it does it in 90
7 Questions that will
change your life.
Suffer or Surf? The Adventure of Being
Richard Jacobs
Keynote Speaker
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Keynotes Books