Key Measures
The palliaঞve amendment detailed in Hansard.
Every Seমng
24/7 Bed Access
Professional Palliaঞve Medicine Advice
Carer Advice
Ease of Access to Key Medicaঞon and Equipment
Informaঞon Sharing
Records of "What ma�ers most" Conversaঞons
Quality Improvement, Research and Innovaঞon
Palliaঞve Care to be available in every seমng where people are dying
Admission to Palliaঞve Care units to be available 24/7
An advice service to be in place for all professionals involved in caring for people with
palliaঞve care needs
A carer support service to provide advice for carers and families looking a�er people with palliaঞve
care needs at home
Processes which ensure that paঞents do not have undue waits for medicaঞon and equipment
to reduce suffering
Systems to ensure that key stakeholders can quickly and safely access informaঞon about paঞents
with palliaঞve care needs
Systems to record and take account of paঞent expressed wishes about their End of Life Care
Support for QI and research iniঞaঞves to ensure that services are innovaঞng in light of changes in
the clinical evidence