In this part of your virtual induction, we are going to look at some of the
dangers that exist around the company in relation to manual handling and
lifting. Don't forget that nothing is too important that it cannot be done
First; some background.
Here is a chart that shows the causes of non-fatal injuries to employees as
reported in the UK 2017 and 2018. As you can see, lifting and handling
account for over a fifth of all injuries. Why do you think this is?
Click to see Non - fatal injuries chart...
Could it be that there are lots and lots of heavy things to be moved around
CooperVision? Not really.
Could it be that there are not enough lifting aids around to help people?
Wrong again.
Or could it be down to people lifting not the heaviest of items but with a poor
lifting technique? DING DING DING! That's the one.
Unsurprisingly, the most common injury in relation to lifting and handling
occurs to the back. Once badly injured, back pain maybe something that is
always an issue for someone. You only have one back and so you must
ensure that you protect it.
Knowing all this, at CooperVision we want to make sure that everyone
understands the best way to lift and move items so that they can protect
themselves and others from injury.