4 What happens next?
The process between booking and paying your deposit for a cruise, and actually
getting on the ship, is quite straightforward and there is very little to be done.
So there may be many weeks of no contact, which is quite normal, but can cause
some customers feel a little uneasy. Please remember that, generally, no news is
good news.
You can utilise this guide at all stages of the process, which is outlined as follows:
Initial Booking
This is the point where you agree to proceed
and book your cruise with Jetline.
You may have paid a deposit only at this
stage or, if you cruise is sailing within 14
weeks, you will have paid for your holiday
in full.
Initially you would have received an
acknowledgement e-mail explaining that
your confirmation will be with you within the
following 7 - 10 days. There may be several
elements to your booking, each of which
must be checked and confirmed.
7 - 10 days after Booking
You will receive your detailed confirmation
which you should check thoroughly to ensure
that all dates and details are correct. It is
important that any errors or concerns should
be reported to us immediately at this point as
changes can be difficult to make any later in
the process. If all is correct, there is no need
to sign anything or call us. The cruise line,
airline (if there is one) and any other ancillary
supplier will have a confirmed record of your
booking. In particular please check:
All names are spelt correctly (exactly as
they appear in your passports)
Dates and itineraries are correct
Have all elements been included,
including excursions, hotels and transfers,
if booked.
Dining Options (except for cruises with
free-style dining only)
If your booking includes a flight or flights,
you will receive an ATOL certificate
(please see right for all you all you need
to know about these).
Between receiving you confirmation and
paying your balance there will be little
contact from us, which is normal. However,
if you have any queries that cannot be
answered by this guide or by visiting the
cruise line website (details later in this guide)
then please call our Customer Services Dept
on 0203 617 5815.
You may wish to use this time to research any
excursions that are available on your cruise.
Please use the cruise line website for a list
of these, and advice on how to book them.
Details of the web addresses are listed later
in this guide. Please note that availability can
be limited so early booking is advised.
You may also need to find out if you need
any visas or an ESTA for travel to the U.S.A.
Please see page 28 of this guide for advice.
14 weeks before Departure
You will be contacted to pay any outstanding
balance of the holiday.
7 - 10 days prior to Departure
You will receive your tickets (or vouchers) for
your holiday.
Most cruise lines and airlines now only use
electronic tickets (or vouchers) and you will
not receive tickets in the traditional formats of
the past. We understand that this continues
to feel lacking to some people, but please
rest assured that you will have received
everything you need.
Between Receiving Tickets
and Departure
If you have not already done so, it is
necessary to access your bookings on both
your cruise line and your airline (if included)
as you will need to complete essential
information. Advice on how to log-on to
suppliers' web-sites is on page 5 of this
guide. The sites will also advise you when
you can check-in, and whether this should be
done on-line. For some airlines, there is a fee
to check in at the airport, so on-line check-in
is advised.
N.B. Please do this at least 7 days prior to
departure to ensure that everything is in
It is advisable to print off all of your tickets
and/or vouchers and any relevant insurance
documents ready for departure.
What is an ATOL certificate?
Firstly, you will only need an ATOL
certificate when Jetline Cruise has arranged
a flight as part of the booking. 'Cruise
Only' customers will not need an ATOL
certificate and any reference to one in any
documentation can be ignored.
All holidays booked by Jetline Cruise that
have flights included are protected by
our Air Travel Organiser's Licence (ATOL)
number 6153.
The ATOL certificate tells you:
• What is protected by ATOL
• Who is covered
• Who is providing the protection (our details
and ATOL number).
• It is recommended that you print off your
ATOL certificate and take it with you on
your holiday.
If you do have flights included in your
holiday package booked by Jetline Cruise
and you have not received an ATOL
certificate then
please call our
Customer Services
Department on
0203 617 5815.
For further
please see -