When you are undertaking a self-assessment, the Attributes Competence
Assessment Tool (below) can help you identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required for your role. You will be expected to discuss your self-assessment with
your line manager, as part of your annual appraisal and/or personal development
plan, in order to agree an action plan addressing your identified learning and
development needs. If you are in training within Health and Social Care, you can
discuss the results of your self-assessment with your mentor or supervisor and agree
your learning and development needs.
Assessing yourself
You should use the following rating scale to assess your learning and development
needs against each of the attribute statements within your level:
LD I need a lot of development
SD I need some development
WD I feel I am well developed
It generally takes about 15 minutes to assess yourself against the attribute
statements. When you have finished, review the number of LDs, SDs, and WDs. You
can then plan, with your line manager, the learning and development activities which
are relevant to your role.
Best Practice Tips
Before starting your assessment, you may find it helpful to discuss the attribute
statements with one of your peers. You can also test your self-assessment with your
line manager. Be honest with yourself when thinking about your role and your
learning and development needs and rate them realistically.
The Attributes Framework and Competence Assessment Tool can also enable you
to focus on areas for career development and, where relevant, support your
preparation for job interviews. They can also be used in conjunction with other
frameworks and competencies relevant to your role.