Farm animals department
The Cattle Health and Welfare
Group is made up of a wide
spectrum of cattle industry
stakeholders; the RSPCA is the
only welfare representative
within the group. Amongst
other things, the group
coordinates a programme of
focussed improvements in cattle
health and welfare in Great
Britain. Statutory bodies such
as the Department for Food,
Environment and Rural Affairs
(Defra) seek advice from the
group on initiatives that could
potentially have an impact at
farm level, such as a national
programme of Bovine Viral
Diarrhoea (BVD) eradication.
The group is responsible for
a number of other initiatives
including production of the
annual Cattle Health and Welfare
report and implementation
of the initiatives and annual
reporting of the Dairy Cow
Welfare Strategy, a ten-year
initiative aimed at improving
the health and welfare of the
dairy cow in a number of
priority areas, such as lameness,
fertility and nutrition.
Pig Health and Welfare Council
The Pig Health and Welfare Council (PHWC) is a cross-industry alliance,
with RSPCA representation, which aims to drive forward the delivery
and strategic aims of the pig industry with regards to health and welfare.
The PHWC welfare sub-group, facilitated by the RSPCA, aims to achieve
consensus on important pig welfare issues, how to progress these, and
the ultimate aims in each case. This year the sub-group sought to identify
and implement some initial practical steps to deliver on the primary
focus issues for farmed pigs that were agreed in 2013, including welfare
at farrowing (prolificacy, management of outdoor sows, confinement at
farrowing etc), tail damage, aggression and sick pig management (including
euthanasia). Further details will be provided in the 2013-2014 report of the
work of the Council which will be published in 2015.
Defra is committed to reviewing
its policy on beak trimming of
laying hens in 2015 with a view
to implementing a ban on the
practice in January 2016. The
RSPCA is a member of the Beak
Trimming Action Group, which
has been tasked with advising
Defra on this review.
The RSPCA is working to ensure
that the welfare of laying hens is
at the forefront of any decision
made, encouraging all stakeholders
to work towards a shared goal of
improving hen welfare through
better management practices and a
commitment to the eventual phase
out of the currently permittted
infrared beak trimming.
Cattle Health and Welfare Group
The farm animals team represent the RSPCA on a number of influential government, farming industry and scientific research project
committees and working groups, enabling us to put forward our views and encourage improvements in farm animal welfare.
Some examples are outlined below:
Beak Trimming Action Group
Philip Toscano, Joe Murphy/RSPCA Photolibrary. Alexander Caminada. Rachel Grandfield.