RSPCA Science
Group - 2014
calendar highlights January - March
Publication of RSPCA welfare
standards for farmed rainbow
trout - the first set of standards
for a new species for 12 years.
Participated at Mammal Society
conference on hedgehogs and
harvest mice, Aberystwyth.
Invited to present at the
Edinburgh University MSc
Applied Animal Behaviour
and Welfare careers day.
Sadly this will be my last contribution to the RSPCA
Science Group Review since I retired in January 2015
after 25 years with the Society. During that time I
have seen the RSPCA's four scientific departments
- Companion Animals, Farm Animals, Research
Animals and Wildlife - go from strength to strength as
authoritative teams that combine science, ethics and
practical considerations to underpin the Society's work
for animals and make us such a unique and influential
animal welfare organisation.
Our wide-ranging work includes developing welfare standards
for farmed animals and the Freedom Food scheme, promoting
practical ways of reducing suffering for laboratory animals,
helping people understand and provide for the needs of
companion animals in their care, and promoting thoughtful
and humane interactions with wildlife.
The measured and constructive, yet challenging, approach of all
four science departments makes the RSPCA a formidable force
for animal welfare and the 'go to' organisation on animal welfare
issues for a wide range of stakeholders both in the UK and
internationally. This edition of the Science Group Review gives
just some examples of the work that we do and our stakeholder
engagement with government, industry, academia and the public.
It has been a great privilege to work for the RSPCA for so long.
It is a truly amazing organisation and I wish the Science Group
and the Society as a whole all the very best for the future.
Maggy Jennings, OBE, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
RSPCA Welfare outcome assessments
for dry sows and finishing
pigs developed through the
AssureWel project implemented
in the Freedom Food scheme.
Participated in first Reptile
Forum, held at Zoological Society
of London.
Delivered a lecture on companion
animal welfare at Sparsholt
Agricultural College, Hampshire.
Met with the Home Office
minister with responsibility
for the regulation of research
using animals in the UK.
Participated in a meeting of the
Associate Parliamentary Group
for Animal Welfare on primates
and other exotics kept as pets.
Participated at the Elephant
Welfare Group meeting of the
British and Irish Association of
Zoos and Aquariums.
April - June
Participated at the annual
British Small Animal Veterinary
Association Congress.
Delivered training on Ensuring
good animal welfare to the
Association of Chief Police Officers
Instructors' Course, Merseyside.