Participated in a meeting at
Monkey World to discuss
marmoset rehoming project.
Hosted the first AssureWel
International meeting with a
selection of other European
and international farm
assurance schemes.
Presented the RSPCA/British
Society for Animal Science (BSAS)
award for innovation in animal
welfare to Dr John Bradshaw at
the BSAS annual meeting.
Presented on captive elephant
welfare at the Animal Welfare
and Sustainable Populations
Conference, Blair Drummond
Safari Park, Stirling.
Invited to the US to examine
and evaluate the humaneness of
a novel system for the killing
of meat chickens.
Jointly convened (with the
Laboratory Animal Science
Association, the Institute of
Animal Technology and the
Laboratory Animals Veterinary
Association) a workshop on
good practice for ethical review
of animal use.
July - September
Participated in the first Feline and
fourth Canine Science Forum.
Delivered training for RSPCA
animal centre staff on exotic
animals, Sparsholt College,
Participated in a Defra badger
vaccination workshop.
Participated at the ninth World
Congress on Alternatives and
Animal Use in the Life Sciences.
Launched the RSPCA 'roadmap'
for ending severe suffering in
laboratory animals.
Delivered presentations at the
National Pet Show: Getting a
happy, healthy dog and Keeping
your cat happy and healthy,
as well as an interactive session:
Back to bunny basics: rabbit
care made simple and Have you
got the eXotics Factor?.
Presented RSPCA work on welfare
assessment at an international
conference in France: Assessment
of Animal Welfare at Farm and
Group Level.
Met with government
agencies and NGOs regarding
data collection during seabird
pollution incidents.
October - December
Invited to present at the Director
of Army Veterinary Remount
Service Military Health and
Welfare Study Period: Military
Working Dogs - compliance with
the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
Around 100 delegates attended
the 2014 RSPCA/Universities
Federation for Animal Welfare
Rodent Welfare Group Meeting.
Published a revised version of the
RSPCA welfare standards for pigs.
Participated at a meeting with
stakeholders at Oil and Gas
UK in Aberdeen to discuss
national contingency plan
for oiled wildlife.
Invited as speakers to an
EC-funded training workshop
on the regulation of animal
experiments in Croatia.
Invited to present at National
Association of Fleet Managers
North East Regional Committee
meeting: Transporting working
dogs - compliance with the
Animal Welfare Act 2006.
Met with Natural Resources
Wales and other stakeholders
regarding a code of practice for
the use of snares.
Organised the 2014 RSPCA
Animal Welfare and Ethical
Review Body Lay Members' Forum.
Participated at a meeting with
British Divers Marine Life
Rescue to discuss seal rescue
and rehabilitation.
Delivered a training event to
Bulgarian government officials
on the regulation of animal
experiments in Bulgaria.
2. Foreword
4. Companion animals
10. Farm animals
16. Research animals
22. Wildlife