Responses to consultations in 2014
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
n Bovine TB: new control measures tackling
transmission between cattle herds.
n Pet Travel: changes to the EU scheme.
n The Microchipping of Dogs (England)
Regulations 2014.
Home Office
n Consultation on the review of Section 24 of
the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986.
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
n Science and Innovation Strategy 2014.
Welsh Government
n EIDCymru: An electronic movement reporting
system for sheep/goats. Identification of Sheep
and the Slaughter derogation.
n n Achieving high standards together - a new
framework for animal health and welfare
in Wales.
Farm Animal Welfare Committee
n The animal welfare implications of systems for
farrowing and lactating sows kept indoors.
n CCTV and other monitoring and verification
methods in slaughterhouses.
n On-farm killing.
n European Commission: Study on the Welfare of
Cats and Dogs involved in Commercial Practices.
n Association of Dogs and Cats Homes:
Members' Code of Practice.
n LANTRA: National Occupational Standards for
dog training and behaviour.
n All Party Parliamentary Group for Eggs, Pigs &
Poultry: calls for submission of views on
planning, antibiotics and welfare.
n Marine Scotland: Aquaculture Science and
Research Strategy.
n Assured Food Standards: Red Tractor Standards
for Pigs.
n Eurogroup for Animals:
Farm Assurance Standards.
n Federation of Veterinarians of Europe:
Veterinary aspects of aquatic health and
welfare; aquaculture and ornamental fish trade.
n ICFAW: OIE Broiler Code.
n Agenda 2030: One Nation Labour's
Plan for Science.
n EFRA Select Committee: Inquiry into primates
kept as pets: oral evidence.
n Natural England: General and Class licences
under wildlife legislation in England.
n Federation of British Herpetologists: Good
Practice Guidelines for the Welfare of Privately
Kept Reptiles & Amphibians.