Exploring options for
reconnecting the River Ure
with its floodplain on the
Jervaulx Estate, the aim of the
study was to deliver multiple
benefits for ecology, fisheries,
hydromorphology, flood risk
management, and amenity.
The feasibility study looked to
inform ways of:
• Improving river form and
function, e.g. improve inchannel morphological
conditions and riparian habitat
to support biota and fish. This
includes the opportunity to
address spawning habitat for
lamprey and help to locally
address channel instability
issues with sediment transport
and erosion.
• Enabling greater long-term
lateral river movement, reconnecting the river
to its
floodplain and alleviating flood
peaks through Natural Flood
• Creating and enhancing wet
grassland and other habitats
linked with ephemeral or relic
floodplain features.
River restoration
River Ure Restoration Jervaulx Feasibility Study | 01675 437 750 | @JBAConsulting | JBA Consulting
Jervaulx Project Partners Group, which consists of the Yorkshire
Dales Rivers Trust, Natural England, Environment Agency and
North Yorkshire County Council, asked us to prepare a River
Restoration Plan for a section of the River Ure in North Yorkshire.
Looking at land use and making space for water options under
Countryside Stewardship, the project was to re-naturalise the
river and its floodplain in this location whilst not adversely
affecting (and ideally reducing) flood risk downstream.
The River Ure is an active meandering river and has long been
the cause of significant erosion of the river banks, threatening
the flood embankments which line both banks within the reach.
These banks have been in place for at least 150 years and are
the main reason that the present river channel is disconnected
from its floodplain.
North Yorkshire,
Natural England,
Private land owner
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email Matthew