Our geomorphologists, ecologists and fisheries experts
developed a river restoration plan for the River Teme,
a tributary of the River Severn which passes through
Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire, with its
headwaters in the Welsh borders.
Natural England's vision for the River Teme is to return it to
a more natural condition by restoring the natural form and
function of the river and its floodplain over the next 50 years.
A total of 134km of the River
Teme was designated as
a Special Site of Scientific
Interest (SSSI) in 1996.
110km flows in England with
approximately 5km of the
River Clun. This combined
river length forms the study
area for this project.
The existing condition of the
Teme is influenced by physicochemical, hydrological,
biological and physical
factors. The majority of the
SSSI remains classified as
'unfavourable recovering' due
primarily to physical system
modification including, weirs,
mills, hydropower, bridges,
deflectors, revetment,
embankments, invasive
species and disease.
Overall the project aimed to
address physical habitat
issues and devise an
appropriate whole river
restoration plan to be
implemented on the ground.
Based on a detailed scientific
understanding of the river
and floodplain, the river
restoration plan set out a
means to which the recovery
of the SSSI could be achieved
in the long term.
Restoring the River Teme SSSI
Natural England
River Teme,
Feasibility Stage,
Click here to
email Matthew
kieran.sheehan@jbaconsulting.com | 01302 337798
matthew.hemsworth@jbaconsulting.com | 01675 437 750
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