Developing capacity in hydrometeorology:
verification, quality management and meeting user need
Moldova State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) is being supported by the World Bank and the Global
Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery to help it meet user demand for weather, climate and
hydrological information services. Capacity building is needed on both the supply and demand sides of
hydrometeorological information services, as well as strengthening the interface between service providers
and users.
This project is part of the wider World Bank Technical Assistance Project 'Reinforcing Weather and Climate
Services' that is continuing to help transform the SHS into a modern service delivery agency, guided by the
World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) Strategy for Service Delivery (SDS).
World Bank/State
Service of Moldova
for eventual certification under International
Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Standard ISO 9001.
3. Provide expert coaching for additional service
delivery improvement processes: helping SHS
benefit from international good practice and
expertise to implement service delivery processes.
4. Support improved use and management of the
weather radar for use in flood forecasting and
other hydrological applications.
1. Support development of a SHS product
verification mechanism: developing a mechanism
to perform technical verification. Consolidate this
information with user feedback to produce the
information needed to target and design service
delivery improvements.
2. Support development of a SHS quality
management system (QMS): designing and
implementing a standardised QMS following
international good practice. Preparing SHS | 01392 904040 | @JBAConsulting | JBA Consulting