Currently in poor condition,
the River Wharfe SSSI is
preventing the river from
functioning naturally, reducing
its ecological health and
stopping the SSSI from
reaching its potential.
We were asked to produce
an ecologically desirable
vision for the SSSI that would
be in characteristic of the
river without morphological
This involved developing
a conceptual model of the
current functioning of the river
and floodplain now and in the
future. A draft river restoration
plan for consultation with
stakeholders was to be
Restoring the River Wharfe SSSI | 01302 337798 | 01675 437 750 | @JBAConsulting | JBA Consulting
The Vision
engagement and
public participation
events were essential
throughout this
project, allowing us
to produce an outline
'vision' for the river,
based on the specific
recommendations for
the functional reaches
that we identified.
• A dynamic and diverse river
bed which is suitable for fish
and invertebrates.
• Variable channel features
with a variety of river depths
and flow speeds.
• Varied bankside plant
structure, including areas
of shading and occasional
open stretches of
floodplain meadow.
• Diverse plant, invertebrate
and breeding bird communities
that are able to use the river
corridor with
minimal disturbance.
• Low levels of river
engineering allowing natural
movement of the channel
within a narrow riparian strip.
• Increased connection with the
floodplain where wet grassland
and meadows, fen, carr and
wooded areas may develop.
• Enhanced character of the
landscape's natural beauty,
diversity and setting of the
river and its floodplain.
Natural England,
Agency, Yorkshire
Dales National Park
Authority, National
Trust, Yorkshire
Dales Rivers Trust
North Yorkshire
Feasibility Stage,
The River Wharfe is a nationally important river designated
as a Special Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) for its contrasting
upland and lowland character which is important for its wildlife
and habitat. SSSI status covers the river channel and small
areas of adjacent floodplain between Buckden and upstream of
the River Skirfare confluence near Kettlewell. The River Wharfe
is within the protected countryside of the Yorkshire Dales
National Park important for its outstanding scenery, wildlife and
cultural heritage.