Richmond April What's On
6-7, 13-14, 20-21 & 27-28 April
Duck Pond Market
Heron Square, Richmond
Saturday 11am-4pm/Sunday 10.30am-4pm
Duck Pond Market combines the magic of a festival
with interesting arts, crafts and homewares. There
is food for now and food for later
7 April
Richmond Park Half
Richmond Park, 9.30am-12.30pm
Join us at Richmond Park Half Marathon on Sunday
7th April. It has been managed as a royal deer park
since the seventeenth century, it's likely you'll spot
some deer around the course!
9-12 April
Family Workshop: Fab Spring Flowers
Museum of Richmond, 10am-12noon
Spring has sprung! Explore the fabulous florals in
the Museum's collection and create your own fantastic
flower decorations
11-13 April
Cassette '93
OSO Arts Centre, 7.30pm
A multi-ethnic English teenager who shares a close
bond with her Colombian mother discovers cassette
tapes that slowly unravel a tumultuous relationship
with her grandmother.
Richmond Half Marathon
Cassette '93