14 Annual review 2023
All our work is informed by the latest and best scientific research, knowledge, expertise and
experience. Our science experts work with a wide range of stakeholders, including legislators
and other organisations, to find ways to change laws, practices and behaviours relating to how
animals are treated in our homes and workplaces, in science, on farms and in the wild.
Our work for animals in science in 2023
We presented initiatives aimed at replacing the
use of lab animals, along with ideas for making
further progress, at an international event we hosted
with the European Federation of Pharmaceutical
Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
Participants shared ways of reducing and avoiding
'severe' suffering at our latest international meeting
on the topic; we also shared our new online tool
to help scientists understand animals' experiences
and reduce their suffering.
700 worldwide participants learned about fish welfare
in labs at our third online Focus on Fish meeting.
Local ethics committee members benefited from
our training, including on how to challenge whether
and how animals are used.
We promoted ways to reduce and avoid severe
suffering at the World Congress on Alternatives
and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, and pushed
for ambitious strategies for replacing animals
with non-animal methods.
Our work for animals in our homes in 2023
Alongside members of the Dog Control Coalition,
we fought the Government decision to ban XL bully
dogs, made sure our teams understood the new
legislation, supported owners through advice and
information, collected evidence on the impact of
the ban and liaised with all agencies affected by it.
We commissioned research to explore alternative
approaches to reducing dog bites and enhancing
responsible dog ownership.
We explored possible solutions to tackle flat-faced
pet breeding - bringing together global players
from disciplines including law, science and policy
- at a workshop with the Norwegian Society for
the Protection of Animals.
We helped raise awareness with our expert
analysis for an ITV undercover expose about the
emergence of puppy yoga, leading to further
media and parliamentary exposure.
As part of a coalition, we rallied 32,000 supporters
to take action on our call to ban e-collars, gaining
widespread coverage about the issue, after a
proposed ban failed to get through parliament.
Our work for animals on farms in 2023
We fully revised and updated our higher welfare
standards for beef cattle, sheep, turkeys and
ducks, which are implemented on RSPCA Assured
farms and used by a large number of stakeholders
in the UK and globally.
We helped challenge the cruel use of fast-growing
meat chicken breeds in the UK as part of the
Humane League UK's judicial review.
We helped develop a policy position for sustainable
finfish aquaculture in the UK, working with the
British Veterinary Association.
To stand up for farmed fish welfare, we joint-hosted
a parliamentary event and pushed for legislation
to protect their welfare at slaughter.
We positively influenced the Government's work
on farm animal welfare subsidies, food labelling,
slaughter, avian influenza and fixed-penalty
notices for farmed animal welfare offences.