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Title of Systematic Narrative Review Palliative Care and Advanced Care
Planning among Nursing Home
Residents with Dementia
The aim of this review was to explore research into advanced care planning
(ACP) among services users with dementia, living in residential or nursing care
homes and deemed to be receiving palliative or end of life care.
Dementia is a palliative care condition which affects almost one million adults in
the UK with most of these being cared for in nursing homes with specialist staff to
provide end of life comfort care. ACP is the process whereby those with a
palliative care condition have the opportunity to discuss and record their future
care and treatment needs in the event that they lose their capacity to make health
and care decisions in the future.
Methods employed in the review:
In March 2020, four electronic databases were searched for primary research
articles. The databases used were:
• Social Care Online
• PsycINFO
• Medline
The concepts groups included were:
Dementia (Expanded)
Palliative Care (Expanded)
Nursing Care (Expanded)
Advanced Care Plan (Expanded).
Inclusion criteria included primary research, included in a peer reviewed journal,
English language, completed from 2014 - 2020.
A total of 12 articles were included in review, subjected to quality appraisal and
organised using a narrative synthesis approach.