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Title of Systematic Narrative
The voiced experience of families after
children return home from care
Within the context of rising numbers of children entering the care system, it
should be noted that the most common care pathway for children is return home.
Problems, however, persist and the outcomes for children returning home to their
families are poor. This review aims to further develop our understanding of the
experience of families when children return home from care, the voice of whom
has been largely absent from much of the literature on reunification, and consider
what supports can be provided to help improve the return home experience for
Methods employed in the review:
A systematic narrative review was completed on the studies identified for inclusion
following searches, on 10th
May 2020, of the following three databases:
Social Care Online
Social Services Abstracts
Concept groups in relation to 'family reunification', 'family members', 'voiced
experienced' and 'care experienced children' were employed and only results that
reflected all of the chosen concept groups were included. Eleven studies were
retrieved through rigorous database searching; with two further studies included
following citation searching.
It should be noted that only primary research published in the English language
was included. In order to maximize the quality of research included only those
identified that were journal published and subject to peer review were included.
No limits were imposed in respect of date of publication.
Three main themes emerged following review and synthesis including the
emotional reactions of parents and children to the return; preparation for the