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Title of Systematic Narrative
Collective Styles of Leadership in
Continually Changing Health and
Social Care Organisations
Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Trusts (SET) aim to action the HSC
Collective Leadership Strategy (DOH, 2017) within constantly changing
organisations. Alongside the DOH's aim to build research minded organisations,
with the implementation of the Social Work Research and Continuous
Improvement Strategy 2015-2020 (DOH, 2015) revised 2020, led to the
development of this review. The importance of professional leadership in social
work is part of the broader agenda of Improving and Safeguarding Social WellBeing:
a Strategy for Social Work In Northern Ireland (SWS) (DOH, 2018) and
has led to ongoing work in respect of the development of a social work leadership
framework in Northern Ireland. The review contributes to the evidence base for
the design of local collective leadership development programmes within the
social work profession.
Methods employed in the review:
Three relevant databases were identified to search using detailed search criteria
PsycINFO (accessed 02.01.20),
Business Source Complete (accessed 02.01.20)
Social Care Online (accessed 10.01.20). The 3 concept groups were
"organisational change" and "collective leadership" and "health and social
care". Index and text terms included:
'organisation* change' OR 'organization* change' OR 'transformation' OR 'change
management' OR 'management of change'
'collective leadership' OR 'distributed leadership' OR 'leadership style*'
'transformational leadership' OR 'collective*action of leadership' OR 'collectivistic
leadership' OR 'shared leadership' OR collaborative leadership' OR
'transformational leadership'
'Health care services' OR 'healthcare' OR 'health care' OR 'social services' OR