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Improving and Safeguarding Social Wellbeing : A Strategy for Social Work
2012-2022 Strategic Priority 3 adding value, delivering outcomes places
a focus on continuous improvement and a focus on demonstrating
outcomes and learning from practice.
The Social Work Research and Continuous Improvement Strategy 20152020 revised
in 2020 and reproduced as The Social Work Research and
Continuous Improvement Strategy 2020-2025 place emphasis on the
importance of building capacity of social workers and service users and
Our vision is that people in Northern Ireland who use our services will have
confidence that social work and social care policy, practice and service
outcomes are underpinned by a strong research evidence base committed
to continual improvement? People will have the confidence that the social
work and social care workforce will be sufficiently resourced, motivated,
skilled and freed up to engage in research activity.
The Strategy is available at http://www.hscboard.hscni.net/swresearch/
The SWK modules support the vision of the: Improving and Safeguarding
Social Wellbeing: A Strategy for Social Work in NI 2010 - 2022) available at