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Social Work Research Methods Programme
The Research Methods Programme provides two postgraduate, post
qualifying modules for social workers approved by the Northern Ireland
Social Care Council as part of the Professional in Practice Framework:
The Evidence-Informed Professional and Organisation (SWK 751)
Research and Evaluation Methods in Social Work (SWK 752)
The programme provides three modules for users of social care
services and their families:
Using Evidence to Inform Professionals and Organisations (SWK 753)
Research and Evaluation Methods to Inform Social Work (SWK 754)
Innovation and Co-Production in Social Care Research (SWK755)
The modules for social workers are accredited by the professional
regulatory body, the Northern Ireland Social Care Council, and enable
candidates to gain Requirements of the Professional in Practice Framework
as detailed below. They require employer support and post-qualifying
practice experience for entry. They are designed particularly for Senior
Practitioners, training officers and other experienced Social Workers to gain
knowledge and skills in using evidence to inform their practice and service
development in their organisation. These modules achieve credit towards
the Postgraduate Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Professional
Development in Social Work.
The modules for service users and carers equip them to carry out roles in
developing social care research, such as membership of research
committees and grant awarding panels. These modules achieve credit
towards the Postgraduate Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in
Development and Co-Production of Social Care Research.
All modules are 60-credit Level 7 (postgraduate) modules and are
designed to develop knowledge and skills relevant to social work researchrelated
activity and culture in Northern Ireland in support of the Social Work
Research and Continuous Improvement Strategy 2020-2025 (Health &
Social Care Board, 2021). The previous 2015- 2020 Strategy was revised in