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Title of Systematic Narrative Review
The Factors Contributing to a
Trauma-Informed Organisation
Contemporary social work practice in Northern Ireland needs to underpin by the
growing body of evidence on the profound and enduring impact of trauma and
traumatic experiences throughout the life course. Literature on trauma advocates
the implementation of Trauma Informed Practice throughout systems and
organisations, however there has been limited research undertaken on the
approaches to take and outcomes achieved. This systematic narrative review
synthesises findings from research into the factors that contribute to organisations
based upon 'ten implementation domains' identified by the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, 2014, p.13). Which are:
leadership and governance, policy, physical environment, engagement and
involvement, cross sector collaboration, screening, assessment and treatment
services, training and workforce development, progress monitoring and quality
assurance, financing and evaluation (SAMHSA, 2014p. 10 - 12).
Methods employed in the review:
Three Databases were used:
Social Care Online
All were accessed on 07.01.2020.
Two 'concept groups' were used: 'trauma informed' and 'organisation'.
Text terms were used within each concept group combined with 'or'.
Trauma Informed: "trauma inform*" or "trauma-inform*"or "trauma aware" or
"trauma sensitive" or "trauma infused" or "trauma response*"or "trauma based"
Organisation: "organisation*" or "organisation* culture" or "organisation* change"
or "organisation* implement at*" or "organisation* integrate*"